There should be an image here...

Ship Log: April 2021

Now that we’ve taken a trip to the past, let’s play some catch-up! I’ve done quite a lot with my homelab since that old post, and I’d like to share what worked, what didn’t, and what I’m still implementing. Why “WalnutHomelab”? I chose this name because I briefly took up woodworking as a hobby, and walnut very quickly became my favorite type of wood. I wanted to pick a unique for my first domain name, so I ended up here....

April 13, 2022 · Omar El-Sherif

Time Capsule

We’re taking a short trip back to approximately 1 year ago when I made my first and only “post” documenting the state of my homelab at any given point in time. I’m leaving the entirety of what follows unmodified for posterity. Since then, I’ve relocated my homelab to a new residence, made a large number of changes to both the physical and virtual infrastructure, and learned many lessons along the way....

April 11, 2022 · Omar El-Sherif

The First One: Intro to WalnutHomelab

I guess at the moment, I’m speaking to nobody in particular, and I’m not entirely sure what or how much I’ll be posting here. This is mainly going to be a way to self document the history and progress of my homelab as it continues to develop. I’m nearly 2 years into the labbing process so I’ve done a lot already, and have likely already forgotten a lot of what I’d like to have posted....

April 9, 2022 · Omar El-Sherif